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Tax Man

The Taxman has been serving the Metro community since 2002. We will go out of our way to ensure you receive the refund you deserve and gladly act as a go-between with CRA. Your personal income tax may be the highest expenditure in your entire life and everything in your power should be done to reduce this lifetime liability. Knowledge is power and you can use our expertise to get you the best results. The best results are making sure you pay lower taxes through proper tax planning.The professionals at The Taxman can provide expert tax planning advice and consultation for clients with personal and corporate income tax issues in Nova Scotia. From our offices in Halifax and Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, The Taxman's experienced corporate and personal tax advisors will be glad to assist you with T1 Personal Tax Returns (complete with Instant Refunds), T2 Corporate Returns, HST & Payroll services .


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11:33 PM 10/26/2016
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04:57 PM 08/19/2017
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01:44 PM 06/03/2017
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02:36 AM 01/22/2017
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07:13 PM 01/15/2017
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06:49 AM 12/27/2016
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07:22 AM 11/30/2016
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01:04 PM 11/23/2016
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11:01 AM 11/21/2016
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11:33 PM 10/26/2016
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04:57 PM 08/19/2017