A cornerstone of our work here at AiMHi is to continually strive to provide the best supports and services to people in the communities we work in, together with the best worksites for our employees. You will often hear, “How Can I Help You?” here at AiMHi. Know that we ask this question sincerely. We will do our best to respond to whatever requests you have. We are proud of the work we do in these communities, and we are proud of the many people who are engaged in some manner with AiMHi’s mission.Relationships and Partnerships will always be important to us. We strive to be seen as good neighbours, as contributing members of our communities, and most importantly, of being welcoming and inclusive. We recognize and value the diversity of the people we live, work, and play with each day in Prince George, Mackenzie, and the surrounding communities. If you have a partnership you are interested in talking to us about, or you are in need of using some of our space here on Kerry Street, we will be pleased to chat with you.